Top 10 Oldest Banks in India – Older than 350 Years

Banks play an important role in structuring and maintaining the economic development of any country. They provide economic strength to the government which helps the government to accomplish each goal of the planned economic development. Have you ever wondered when …

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Top 10 Oldest Stock Exchanges in the World

Stock exchanges play an important role in a country’s economic growth and stability. A stock exchange is a platform offering the sale and purchase (trading) of securities that an investor can convert into cash. Stock exchanges also help companies to …

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Top 10 Oldest Temples in India 2021

India has the most ancient history and temples are the sign which proves its ancient culture, religion, and heritage. Temples represent the diversity and history of Indian religion. We Indians are religious and believe in our history and know the …

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Top 10 Biggest Dams in India 2021

India has numerous rivers. In order to store the water of the rivers dams are constructed. Dams play a very vital role in the development of any nation. Water reserved in dams can be used in many other ways. Dam …

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List of Top 10 Tallest Buildings in India 2021

Tallest Buildings in India: India is developing day by day and there is also progress in the construction sector. As India is adopting the modernized way of living and the standard of living of the citizens is also increasing with …

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